Sports Massage

sports_massageSports massage therapists are specially trained to understand muscle groups and how they function within an athlete’s given activity and how to best help him achieve optimum playing health. A licensed sports massage specialist performs soft-tissue manipulation to enhance athletic performance, prevent injury and to assist in injury rehab. This may involve therapeutic massage, range of motion exercises, stretching, gentle traction, the use of mechanical devices and the application of heat and/or cold modalities.

Sports massage should be a significant part of every athlete’s training regime. Why risk becoming sidelined or having your playing career shortened unnecessarily from preventable soft-tissue injuries?

Regular sports massage can: reduce the chance of injury by relieving stress points in muscles before they result in restrictions, spasms or tears; improve range of motion and muscle flexibility resulting in improved power and performance; shorten recovery time between workouts; maximize the supply of nutrients and oxygen through increased blood flow; facilitate the body’s regular process for recovery from exercise; decrease performance anxiety and sharpen mental focus.